
Welcome to the user registration process for the FIFA BIC, the main information platform for FIFA Media Partners, where you can find important event and TV production related information about various FIFA Competitions to which you have been granted the rights.

In case of questions related to the FIFA BIC or problems with the registration process please contact MediaPartners@fifa.org.

Best regards,
Media Partnerships Relations & Services
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Register for the Broadcaster Information Centre

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Please enter a valid email account. You will need to confirm your email address to validate your registration. To ensure faster review and approval, we strongly recommend that you use your organisation email address and not register with a public account such as Hotmail or Yahoo!
If the name of your media organisation does not appear in the listing below, please click on the link "New Organisation" to add.
User must be a member of an organisation. If your organisation is not listed + Add a new one.
Please accept the Terms & Conditions.
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