
The FIFA Media Hub is a restricted access web based service of FIFA.com with specific content tailored to support journalists, photographers and other media professionals.

Media are strongly encouraged to register for access to the FIFA Media Hub. As a registered user, you will have access to extensive media information not available on FIFA.com. Only registered users of the Media Hub will be able to apply for accreditation to FIFA events and competitions.

We invite you to take a moment to complete and submit the following registration form. Only fully completed registrations will be accepted. In case of questions or problems, please contact MediaOperations@fifa.org.

Best regards,
Media Hub Administrator
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Register for the FIFA Media Hub

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Please enter a valid email account. You will need to confirm your email address to validate your registration. To ensure faster review and approval, we strongly recommend that you use your organisation email address and not register with a public account such as Hotmail, Gmail, etc.
If the name of your media organisation does not appear in the listing below, please click on the link "New Organisation" to add.
User must be a member of an organisation. If your organisation is not listed + Add a new one.
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Please attach a copy of your press card, professional credential or other official document or letter to help verify your status as a journalist.
If the name of your media organisation does not appear in the listing above, any information you can provide us about the nature of your organisation and why you require access to the Media Hub would serve to speed up the processing of your registration.
Please accept the Terms & Conditions.
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